Monday 19 October 2015

The Changeover

It was a soothing experience post the divorce coming through after 1.5 yrs of hard work..( indeed). I couldn't assimilate the fact that the constant emotional turmoil was finally a closed chapter,the feeling takes a while to sink in as you are so much into the system till then ( legally entangled ).

The decree took almost 3 more months to arrive which was an agonising wait again.So matter of fact the actual stage of my marriage was in perpetual limbo for the quarter with with no proof of the disengagement .Soon nearing the decree arrival I decided to move on physically and mentally from the place I had inhabited in my days of struggle to settle for something better off.Looking around didnt actaully fetch good options for comfortable stay and the ones which were reasonable fell off from the budget cliff..:(. So I decided to migrate away from my family staying closeby to a place few kms away in the heart of the western suburbs. House hunting and school scouting for the kid started n equal footing and within a month could zero in on both.

Just day before the national polling day in April 2014, I moved into my new home which was much better placed than the earlier space I was camping into. Touching the highway, facing the mall, 24 hrs security, building with lift were all added benefits of the new place. It  was time I had called truce with my parents and hence got my mom along for her to check the house.She gave her go ahead and I felt all the more relieved . My Guardian angel ( foster mom) was with me on the day of shifting . Unfortunately I had won a battle and lost a war with one relationship which was nurturing with one my other guardian angel. The other party silently pulled the plug and maintained safe distance from me since the divorce date came by.I was crumbling inside but I knew I had to pull this over with all my strength since I couldn't stop living. The kid was dutifully packed to my ex spouse during the shifting exercise so I was left to fend for myself . The following 2-4 weeks were spent putting the house in order and at the same time juggling for the kid's admission procedures.

The worst wasn't over yet... I lost my job which was financially securing me all the while  and was only 8 months new thing . The dual blow of losing out on a secure relationship and the career path was the most trying period for me .The changeover was far from easy... but I relish every moment of it thinking of those moments now. One thing that has remained constant.. is my steely resolve to fight the situations and emerge small victory at a time .